This spring on a beautiful sunny day we had the great pleasure to document Emily and Toby’s classic but sophisticated English wedding held at one of the most enchanting exclusive-use Wiltshire wedding venues, Syrencot. “June 2022, Toby organised a little trip for a Sunday roast post night shift which turned into a surprise proposal the next day. Holkham Hall and beach was where we had our first day date which seemed the perfect fit for a proposal. Toby slowed down his paces and as I turned around to my name being said. There he was. Down on one knee. I think I squealed ‘Tobyyyyy’ before, of course, saying yes. We then celebrated with a massive glass of fizz”, shared Emily. “We chose dusty rose and sage green as our colour theme and left the rest to our lovely florists at fig & bramble. They created such magic with the flowers; we wanted a soft, pastel, romantic pallet that would complement the spring. They did exactly this”, added Emily.

As a Wiltshire wedding videographer, I truly enjoyed filming Emily and Toby’s Syrencot wedding. It was an amazing day full of fun, love and magic. “We wanted a classic but sophisticated English wedding. Pimms and lawn games. Careless and free. Full of joy and laughter with all of our nearest and dearest. Family and friends who would grace us with their presence. We wanted everyone to sing (and they did, yay) and embrace the day as the true metaphor of this is we were singing from our hearts. So very much in love. We wanted to celebrate this and were excited to share each and every moment”, said Emily and Toby. “We were so super lucky. We got to marry our best friend, our team mate, the person we wish to spend the rest of our lives together at such a gorgeous venue amongst friends. The sun chose to shine for us (yes, Toby was correct, the south really does shine for us). Hottest day of the year so far. It’s so hard to choose a favourite moment, it was just magical, spectacular but from the moment our eyes met, with large beaming smiles, we reassured one another and held back tears, we knew that this journey was only just beginning”, added Emily.

If you are getting married and looking for a Wiltshire wedding videographer get in touch! We will be happy to answer any of your questions.


It was a great pleasure to be Syrencot wedding videographer. This magnificent This Grade II listed, Georgian manor house and contemporary barn venue located just 60 minutes away from Bath city centre provided a unique backdrop for an elegant wedding of Emily and Toby. “A few months away, Toby was heading to Africa for six months to run an intensive care unit in a remote area. We knew that the following year we were attending 6 weddings, so ultimately chose 2024. We joked about ‘star wars day’ as May is one of our favourite times of year and ‘4’ is my favourite number. May sees us creeping out of the winter darkness and all the flowers bloom. Everything beginning to sparkle again. We knew we wanted to book before Toby went away so casually did a lot of remote research of venues. Then ‘syrencot’ popped up. It looked stunning. I grew up in the south west and whenever we visit my family Toby comments on how the sun always shines for us. They happened to have an open day a few weeks before his departure and a friend’s wedding in Malta. Driving down the long gravelled drive we melted. It was breathtakingly beautiful. The sun was shining. The flowers were out. The birds were chirping. We fell in love right away. Infact, we secured our date right away. 04.05.2024. A bank holiday, perfect”, shared the Bride.

Haven’t seen Emily and Toby’s Syncote wedding video yet? Check it out now!


There are many reasons to hire a wedding videographer to document your wedding. Why did Emily and Toby decide to have their Syrencot wedding documented? “Our friends had a videographer and promised us we would not regret it should we choose to book one ourselves. Goodness me were they so correct. The magic of a video is incomprehensible. We cannot describe the feelings that we feel every time we watch it but we’ve probably watched it about a million times now and each time it’s like a Time Machine. It truly was the best day of our lives and to relive it whenever we wish is truly special. We cannot thank you enough”, said the Bride. “Book a videographer, you and your partner also deserve the magic”, added Toby. Don’t want to regret not having a Syrencot wedding video…? Contact us now!

Dear Emily and Toby, thank you for having me as your Wiltshire wedding videographer. I truly enjoyed creating your Syrencot wedding video.

WATCH Cinematic FILM OF Emily and Toby ONLINE

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